An alternative way of financing, an alternative way to invest in debt

FAP Syndication & Capital Markets

Creating solutions & maximizing opportunities

The financing landscape is changing and diversifying, which is precisely why we are forging new paths. With Syndication and Capital Markets, we are further expanding access to large-volume financing. Our independent syndication desk brings single lenders and groups of lenders together and bundles synergies. At the same time, with Capital Markets we are providing an access route to raising debt capital on the capital market and, through our real estate debt platform, forming precisely the interface that is needed between capital providers on the capital market and prospective issuers – with bespoke solutions to suit all requirements and suitable projects on every scale.

FAP Syndication: What we do for lenders

Combining interests and maximising opportunities: our independent syndication desk allows us to combine and negotiate the interests of lenders and groups of lenders. Our specialised real estate debt platform provides access to a wide range of financing across the highest-yield asset classes in individual real estate projects and real estate financing – from deal-by-deal opportunities through structuring all the way to participation in debt club deals; whether as a singular credit tranche within structured financing or as the member of a financing consortium; all based on the individual risk/return profile, as a super senior lender right down to junior and mezzanine positions.
We tailor our services to meet requirements. At your request, we can guide you through the entire process from acquisition through to disbursement and monitoring, from extensive internal and external due diligence through structuring and placement all the way to straightforward integration in your in-house structures. We create the right connections for the long term – deal by deal.

FAP Syndication for lenders, including:

Pension funds
Insurance companies
Pension schemes
Family offices
Loan funds

FAP Syndication for lenders offers:

Due diligence
Full service
Loan management

FAP Capital Markets: How we engage with borrowers & investors

Visions require capital. With Capital Markets, we are developing an alternative way of acquiring liquidity through the capital market that is unaffiliated with banks. Borrowers benefit from direct access to additional financing options on the international capital markets such as Schuldschein loans for projects and companies. On the one hand, we offer bespoke advice and guide customers through the process, simultaneously acting as a specialist for structuring, securitisation and placement.

Through our specialised real estate debt platform, we offer capital providers and investors a wide range of services across the highest-yield asset classes in senior and whole loans, mezzanine financing, Schuldschein loans and securitised products. We are an experienced operator on the international debt capital markets, which means that we can guarantee project success and manage the process from end to end with our access platform to real estate projects on every scale.

FAP Capital Markets – what we have to offer for:

Investors and project developers
Real estate companies as issuers
Investors in capital market products with a focus on Schuldschein notes

The services provided by FAP Capital Markets include:

Advice and structuring for issuing securitised products such as Schuldschein notes
Balance sheet analysis to determine creditworthiness
Assistance with prospecting and the rating

Keeping an eye on the future: combining interests, leveraging synergies, achieving more together.